Thursday, July 2, 2009

Three Great Reasons To Embrace Info Marketing Now

Are you are still sitting on the fence? Unsure whether to grab hold of the opportunities presented by information marketing? If so, let me give you three great reasons why now—and I do mean right NOW—is the perfect time to make your move.

1 - You Can Own Your Niche. One of the huge advantages to information products right now is that there are literally thousands of micro-niches that are available, and there's almost no competition in these niches. In the past, in order to get into information products, you had to carve out a big niche, because you'd have to have wide distribution and there'd have to be a big audience. That's just the way marketing worked in the old channels.

Now, through Internet marketing, someone can go into a small little niche, and they can make money online, as much as $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000 a month or more. All it takes is a few information products and a relatively small prospect list. That just wasn't possible before. I'm telling you, it's just an amazing time to start an online business. The opportunities are phenomenal.

2 - Technology is Ripe. The days of heavy-lifting are over. Technology has automated most of the hard stuff. Now that the Internet has been around for a while, many very, very smart programmers have built programs and scripts and tools and web sites that automate most of complicated things for us. There are tools available that you can use right now, from a $29 piece of software that will write super-charged headlines for you to a free service that will allow you to conduct teleclasses for up to a hundred participants at a time!

That's right. The technology is called Bridge Line. It's a special telephone line that enables audio conferencing. Everybody in your teleclass gets a Bridge Line phone number and PIN code a couple of days before the call. At the time you've designated, all the registered users dial the Bridge Line number, punch in the PIN, and are patched into the teleclass. This technology is already available in the United States, in Australia, and in England. You can get a hundred paying people on a single Bridge Line, the operator will record all the audio for you, and the whole process is free.

Tools like that just weren't available before. I know a friend who was telling me that a couple of decades ago, he used to pay something like $30,000 per month for a conference call service that could hold a hundred people. It's technological innovation like Bridge Line that's automating so many things and making this such a great time to get involved in information products.

3 - Big Companies Can't Compete. The News Corp's and Bertelsmann's of the world may have a stranglehold on traditional media, but in the new media of information products, individual entrepreneurs rule! There are two simple reasons for that.

First, little niches just aren't valuable enough to big companies to attract their interest. If you've got a big billion-dollar company, it makes no sense to go into some small, relatively focused niche, like a particular type of dog training, where there's maybe $500,000 a year of sales available.

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